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Socks for Snoring

Snoring is a problem that affects many sleepers around the world. This is especially the case for those that have to sleep next to or share a bed with these snorers and the snorers themselves. While snoring is undoubtedly annoying, snoring can be a symptom of a larger problem that can lead to serious medical

By |2019-09-09T04:54:13-07:00August 31st, 2017|Categories: Wearable Items to Reduce Snoring|Comments Off on Socks for Snoring

Apple Aims to Help You Sleep Better with Beddit Buy

Apple has purchased Beddit, a Finnish sleep monitoring company. Although the full details of the buyout have yet to emerge, Beddit users were served with an updated privacy policy nothing that personal data gathered by Beddit will be shared in compliance with Apple's Privacy Policy going forward. The message pushed to Beddit owners read: “Beddit

By |2019-09-09T04:54:13-07:00July 29th, 2017|Categories: Wearable Items to Reduce Snoring|Comments Off on Apple Aims to Help You Sleep Better with Beddit Buy